If you would like to sit down with your family and study the Bible together, you don’t need a lot of stuff, just a little guidance. The Unit Teacher’s Guide was originally written for this very purpose. With the Bible Study Guide, your family study can be as simple or involved as you want it to be.
Your family will cover the entire Bible in 416 lessons, studying some Old Testament and new Testament each year. To see the order of study, click here. To better understand the whole Bible Study Guide curriculum, click here. If you want your children to have age-appropriate activity pages to do along with your study, select the age groups above and look at the Student Pages available for those ages. Here are the materials we offer for family Bible study.
Unit Teacher’s Guide
The Unit Teacher’s Guide is your guide through the Bible, including a review system, background information, Bible drills, application, maps and more. Each of the four units contains 104 lessons.
Bible Book Summary Cards
In an easy and fun way, your family can learn the basic content of every Bible book with the Bible Book Summary Cards
Children’s Songs
Every lesson includes a suggested children’s song. Each one of them (90 in all) is on the Children’s Songs collection.
Wall Maps & Time Line
The Wall Maps and Time line help families understand how all the Bible events, people and places fit together. They help you see how the scripture you are studying fits into the larger story of the Bible. The Wall Maps and Time Line use removable and reusable labels
Choose an age group to find out
how to use the Bible Study Guide with your students.
”"Our family is enjoying the study, my six year old daughter asked if we could do BSG every evening! We praise God for a study in God's Word that is enjoyable for all ages of our children (a prayer answered!)."
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