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Primary Student Pages & Teacher Guide

Easy to prep. Easy to Use. More than just the same Bible stories.

The Primary Student Pages, along with the Primary Teacher Guide, take the teacher and students, step by step, through the Bible. Because students in the first grade and second grade differ so widely in reading level, we have created a Teacher Guide / Student Page combo that works in situations where the students barely read at all or where students read well OR in situations with a mixture of the two!

The Student Page sets include 26 lessons. Each lesson is two pages (printed front and back for a total of four sides). The size of each page is 8.5” x 11” making them perfect for downloading if you choose the pdf format. You will need one Primary Student Pages set per student. The Primary Teacher Guide is also sold in 26 lesson sets that are 8.5”x11” and are spiral bound at the top for ease of use.

What does the Primary level include? Browse all four pages of the sample Teacher Guide lesson below. Select each highlighted title for an explanation of that section. Then scroll down to see the Student Pages.

Sample Lesson – Primary Teacher Guide

Sample Lesson – Primary Student Pages