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Bible curriculum for homeschool
or family Bible study that actually studies the Bible

In an engaging, interactive way, these lessons help you and your children study, understand, and apply the ACTUAL BIBLE. Here is how:


The Bible becomes understandable and easy-to-use.
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Students learn both the actual contents of the Bible, in detail, AND how their current lesson fits into the overall story of the Bible using a simple time line and consistent review. The Bible becomes an understandable, easy-to-use, tool of God in your students’ hands.


Students apply it and learn HOW to apply it.
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Students not only learn an application in every lesson, they also learn HOW to apply what they read in the Bible to their own lives. You are giving them the tools they need for a lifetime of growth as followers of Jesus.


All ages study the same text at age level.
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All ages can study the same lessons at the same time, promoting family Bible Study. That’s right! Lesson 1 in the Beginner level covers the same Scripture text as lesson 1 in the Primary, Intermediate and Advanced Levels. When students graduate to a higher age level, they don’t need to start the study over again. They just continue with the next lesson at the higher age level.

Our goal: To help children and adults read and be changed by the word of God for the rest of their lives.

Choose an age group to find out

how to use the Bible Study Guide with your students.

"Your lesson plans, worksheets, maps, etc. have made the Bible come alive for my children (and myself). You have made teaching and learning Bible truths interesting, fun and exciting. The first thing my children ask when they get up in the morning is 'Can we do Bible first?'"


“This is a fun part of our homeschool for all of us. The review questions help the kids to remember what they've learned from past lessons, the worksheets keep their attention, and the time line cards are my kids' favorite. Doing this study with my children is surely one of the most valuable things that I do each day. We love it.”
