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Beginner Student Pages

Simple yet powerful. After all, it’s God’s word.

The Beginner Student Pages guide preschool students and the teacher through the entire learning experience. The target age is four through Kindergarten, but the pages are flexible enough for three year olds and even first graders to use them, any student who does not read or is just learning.

The Student Page sets include 26 one-page lessons (front and back) and are lightly glue-bound on one side so you can easily tear off each page for your students. The size of each page is 8.5” x 14” (legal size). You will need one Beginner Student Pages set per student. If you are teaching more than two Beginner students, you will want a set of Beginner Student Pages for yourself as well. Also, the Beginner Teacher Visuals are great for teaching a larger group.

What do the Beginner Student Pages include? Browse the sample lesson below. Select each highlighted title for an explanation of that section.