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416 Lesson Order of Study

Lessons | Bible Text

Student Page lessons are sold in 26 lesson sets (lessons 1-26, 27-52, 53-78, etc.) See store.

This page shows the Bible Study Guide plan through the Bible, studying some Old Testament and some New Testament each year. Read the reasons for this order of study here.

Lessons 1 to 104 (Year 1 If Studying Two Lessons Per Week)

  • 1-14 Joseph (Genesis 37-50)
  • 15-20 Daniel
  • 21-36 Jesus’ early life & 1st year of ministry (Mt 1-4; Mk 1-2; Lk 1-5; Jn 1-5)
  • 37-41 Adam (Genesis 1-5)
  • 42-45 Noah (Genesis 6-10)
  • 46-48 Job
  • 49 Review of Joseph
  • 50-68 Moses (Exodus 1-20)
  • 69-84 Joshua
  • 85 Review of Jesus’ early life
  • 86-104 Jesus’ last week (Mt 21:28-26:75; Mk 11; 12:41-44; 14:12-52; Lk 22:24-30; Jn 11:55-17:26)

Lessons 105 to 208 (Year 2 If Studying Two Lessons Per Week)

  • 105-111 Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, resurrection, & ascension (Mt 27-28; Mk 15-16; Lk 24; Jn 19-21)
  • 112-119 Peter, Stephen, Philip (Acts 1-8)
  • 120 Review of Adam, Noah
  • 121-130 Abraham (Genesis 10-24)
  • 131-133 Isaac (Genesis 25-27)
  • 134-139 Jacob (Genesis 28-36)
  • 140 Review of Joseph, Moses, Joshua
  • 141-162 David (2 Samuel 1-24; 1 Chronicles 22-29; Psalms)
  • 163-174 Solomon (1 Kings 1-11; Ecclesiastes; Song of Songs; Proverbs)
  • 175-178 Early Divided Kingdom (1 Kings 12-16)
  • 179-186 Elijah (1 Kings 17 – 2 Kings 2)
  • 187 Review of Jesus and the early church
  • 188-192 James
  • 193-199 1 & 2 Peter
  • 200-205 1 & 2 & 3 John, Jude
  • 206-208 Revelation

Lessons 209 to 312 (Year 3 If Studying Two Lessons Per Week)

  • 209 Review of Abraham through Moses
  • 210-231 Moses (Exodus 21-40; Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy)
  • 232-238 Hebrews
  • 239 Review of Jesus’ early life
  • 240-254 Jesus’ 2nd year of ministry (Mt 5-13; Mk 4, 6; Lk 7-8; 11-13; Jn 6)
  • 255 Review of Jesus and the early church
  • 256-265 Paul’s conversion, Peter, Paul’s 1st & 2nd journeys (Acts 9-18)
  • 266-269 1 & 2 Thessalonians
  • 270 Review of Joseph, Moses, Joshua
  • 271-288 Judges
  • 289-292 Ruth
  • 293-297 Samuel (1 Samuel 1-9)
  • 298-312 Saul (1 Samuel 10-31)

Lessons 313-416 (Year 4 If Studying Two Lessons Per Week)

  • 313 Review of Jesus through 2nd year of ministry
  • 314-333 Jesus’ 3rd year of ministry (Mt 17-19; Mk 7-10; Lk 10-19; Jn 7-11)
  • 334 Review of Jesus’ later life, Peter, Paul
  • 335-384 Paul’s 3rd journey (Acts 18:23-28:31)
    • 336-343 1 Corinthians
    • 345-350 2 Corinthians
    • 351-353 Galatians
    • 354-361 Romans
    • 371 Philemon
    • 372-373 Colossians
    • 374-376 Ephesians
    • 377-378 Philippians
    • 379-381 1 Timothy
    • 382 Titus
    • 383-384 2 Timothy
  • 385 Review of Samuel, Saul, David, Solomon
  • 386-416 Elisha, Divided and Conquered Kingdoms (2 Kings 3-25; 2 Chronicles 25-27)
    • 391 Obadiah
    • 394 Joel
    • 396-397 Jonah
    • 398 Amos & Hosea
    • 401 Isaiah & Micah
    • 403 Zephaniah & Nahum
    • 404 Habakkuk & Jeremiah
    • 405 Lamentations & Ezekiel
    • 406-407 Ezra 1-6
    • 408 Haggai & Zechariah
    • 409-411 Esther
    • 412 Ezra 7-10
    • 413-416 Nehemiah
    • 416 Malachi