Large Bible Book Summary Cards (8.5″ x 11″)


Each flash card has one or more pictures on the front that represent the main content or message of a Bible book. On the back, a brief description explains the pictures. The back side also includes questions that the teacher can ask when reviewing the cards.


These 8.5”x11” cards are a great size for a family or small class (up to eight students or so). Easy to handle, easy to take with you and easy to see, they are the standard size Bible Book Summary Cards. Use them in concert with the Bible Study Guide curriculum or on their own. You and your students will not only learn the names of the Bible books and their order in the Bible, but what each book is about! Challenges and games you can play with the cards make learning even more fun.

Each card has one or more pictures on the front that represent the main content or message of a Bible book. On the back, a brief description explains the pictures. The back side also includes questions the teacher may ask when reviewing the cards.

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